What is a ransomware attack, and how to secure your account as a digital creator

ransomware attack, and how to secure your account as a digital creator

The internet has revolutionized the way people create, publish and share content. However, with the ease of use and convenience of the internet comes the risk of online threats. One of the most significant threats to digital creators is a ransomware attack.

Did you know 80% of organizations were hit by a ransomware attack in 2021? With such a significant ratio, digital creators must secure their accounts against this attack.

Digital creators are particularly vulnerable to these attacks, as they often have valuable data, such as client information, project files, and other sensitive data. Securing digital creator accounts is crucial to avoid the loss of valuable data and financial loss. A ransomware attack can have devastating consequences, from losing valuable files to damaging the creator’s reputation.

This article will discuss the importance of securing digital creator accounts and ways to protect them from ransomware attacks. We will also discuss the role of creator insurance in mitigating the financial loss caused by a ransomware attack. By following the steps outlined in this article, digital creators can protect themselves from the devastating effects of a ransomware attack and continue to create and share content online confidently.

What is a ransomware attack?

A ransomware attack is a cyber attack in which malicious actors encrypt a victim’s computer files, rendering them inaccessible. The attackers then demand a ransom payment, typically in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key to unlock the victim’s files.

Ransomware attacks can be devastating for both individuals and businesses. Victims can lose access to important files, including personal documents, financial records, and intellectual property. In some cases, businesses may be forced to shut down temporarily, resulting in lost revenue and reputational damage.

Ransomware attacks typically begin with a phishing email or other forms of social engineering. Once the attacker gains access to the victim’s computer, they use specialized malware to encrypt the victim’s files. The attacker then displays a message on the victim’s computer screen, typically with instructions for paying the ransom and receiving the decryption key.

Unfortunately, no guarantee paying the ransom will result in the victim regaining access to their files. Sometimes, the attacker may not even possess the decryption key or simply choose not to provide it even after receiving payment.

But how do you know if you are under a ransomware attack? Well, there are a few signs that you should look into.

 Signs of a ransomware attack

Ransomware does not happen suddenly in most cases. As per a report published in Cybercrime Magazine, by 2031, the global ransomware attacks and the ransom will breach the mark of $265 million. Think about it! This is such a massive figure. Knowing the signs of a ransomware attack can be helpful.

  • Unusual pop-up messages or warnings: These messages may appear when you start your computer or use certain applications, warning you that your computer has been compromised.
  • Disabled access to files or programs: You may be unable to access certain files or programs or receive error messages when trying to do so.
  • Changes to file names or extensions: Your files may have unusual extensions or names you did not assign.
  • Missing files or data: Some files or data may be missing or deleted without your knowledge or consent.
  • Unusual network activity: Your network may be experiencing unusual traffic or activity, which could indicate a ransomware attack.
  • Slow or unresponsive system: Your computer may become slow or unresponsive or freeze up completely due to the demands of the ransomware.
  • Strange or unknown programs: You may notice unknown programs running on your computer or unusual network activity you did not initiate.

 How do ransomware attacks occur?

In March 2021, computer manufacturer Acer was hit by a ransomware attack that resulted in a $50 million ransom demand. The attackers, believed to be the REvil group, stole financial and personal information and threatened to leak it if the ransom was not paid. Acer did not comment on whether they paid the ransom.

Ransomware attacks can occur through various means. Here are the three most common ways:

  • Email phishing scams: Cybercriminals often use email phishing scams to distribute ransomware. They send emails to unsuspecting victims, posing as legitimate entities such as banks, government agencies, or well-known companies. The emails typically contain a malicious attachment or a link that leads to a fake website where the ransomware is downloaded onto the victim’s device.
  • Malicious website downloads: Some websites are designed to trick visitors into downloading malicious software, including ransomware. These websites often use pop-up windows or other deceptive techniques to convince users to click on a link or download a file, installing the ransomware onto their devices.
  • Infected removable storage devices: Ransomware can infect a device through infected removable storage devices like USB drives or external hard drives. Cybercriminals may leave infected storage devices in public places, such as libraries or coffee shops, hoping that someone will pick them up and connect them to their device.

Other methods to distribute ransomware include exploiting software vulnerabilities, using social engineering techniques, and compromising remote desktop protocol (RDP) connections.

It’s important to note that ransomware attacks can also occur as part of a larger, more sophisticated cyberattack, such as a supply chain attack or a targeted attack on a specific organization.

Risks of ransomware attack for digital creators

As a digital creator, the risks of a ransomware attack can be devastating. Here are some of the key risks to be aware of:

  • Loss of access to files: Ransomware can encrypt files on your computer or network, making them inaccessible unless you pay the ransom. This can result in significant downtime and loss of productivity for creators who rely on their digital assets.
  • Loss of revenue: If you cannot access your files or systems, you may not be able to deliver projects on time or fulfill client contracts, resulting in lost revenue. Also, if you pay the ransom, you may be out of pocket for a significant amount of money. In addition, you may need to hire IT professionals to recover your files and secure your systems, adding to the cost.
  • Damage to reputation: A ransomware attack can damage your reputation as a digital creator, especially if sensitive client data is compromised. This can impact your ability to attract new clients or retain existing ones.
  • Legal and regulatory risks: Depending on the type of data compromised in a ransomware attack, you may be subject to legal and regulatory penalties and potential lawsuits from affected clients.
  • Data loss: In some cases, ransomware attacks can result in permanent data loss if backups are not available or compromised.
  • Disruption to personal life: A ransomware attack can be emotionally and mentally draining for digital creators, who may feel violated and vulnerable. It can also impact their personal life as they struggle to recover from the attack.

The risks of a ransomware attack for digital creators are significant, and taking steps to protect your digital assets and systems is important.

How to secure your account as a digital creator?

As a digital creator, securing your account to protect your valuable content and personal information from ransomware attacks is important. Here are some tips to help you secure your account:

  • Update software regularly: Ensure that your operating system, software applications, and antivirus software are up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to launch ransomware attacks.
  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Use unique and strong passwords at least 12 characters long, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Consider using a password manager to generate and store your passwords securely. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication on all your accounts to add an extra layer of security.
  • Be cautious of suspicious emails and links: Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious or unknown sources. Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to trick users into downloading malicious software or providing sensitive information.
  • Use antivirus software: Install reputable software on your computer and keep it up-to-date. This can help detect and block ransomware and other malware before they can infect your system.
  • Backup your data regularly: Regularly back up your important data to an external hard drive, cloud storage, or other secure location. This can help restore your data if you fall victim to a ransomware attack.
  • Insurance: In the case of a ransomware attack, having creator insurance can provide financial support to the affected creator. This insurance can cover the costs of recovering lost or stolen data, legal fees, and reputational damage. It can also protect against cyber extortion, such as payment demands in exchange for releasing stolen data.

How can creator insurance help you?

Creator insurance can help provide financial protection during a cyber-attack such as a ransomware attack. It can cover expenses related to recovering lost data, restoring systems, and paying ransom demands. This type of insurance can also cover legal fees and other costs associated with data breaches and cyber-attacks. Having creator insurance can give digital creators peace of mind knowing they have financial support in case of a devastating attack on their business.


In conclusion, as a digital creator, it’s important to be aware of the risks of ransomware attacks and take steps to secure your accounts. Regularly updating software, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, being cautious of suspicious emails and links, using antivirus software, and regularly backing up data can help prevent and mitigate the impact of ransomware attacks.

Additionally, it’s worth considering getting creator insurance from Welance, which can provide financial protection in case of data breaches or cyber-attacks. Taking these precautions can help ensure you can continue creating and sharing content with peace of mind.